octobre 23, 2016
Who is CelloVet?
CelloVet was founded by Dr Timothy Preston BVSc(Hons), MVetSurg,MVetClinStud, DACVS-SA in 2016 after becoming frustrated by the lack of consistent and reputable cellophane sources. Since it's inception, CelloVet has rapidly grown into a family business capable of selling and distributing “real” cellophane worldwide.
What is CelloVet's mission?
Our mission is to provide veterinarians with an economical and effective real world option to expensive ameroid alternatives. We will always be the source of consistent and tested real, cellulose derived, thin film known as cellophane. With the knowledge that our cellophane is real, veterinarians can be confident that they are implanting within their patients, an effective material for portosystemic shunt attenuation.
Historic literature on cellophane's efficacy for shunt attenuation has been tarnished due questionable sourcing of "cellophane". This led to the study by Smith and Hunt in Vet Surgery 2013 which showed that most cellophane bought elsewhere besides CelloVet is more than likely to be plastic. In order to be certain and dispel concerns about the safety and efficacy of CelloVet cellophane as a product for shunt attenuation, CelloVet will be supporting prospective, controlled studies at any institution which approaches us with an approved and ethical grant or proposal. We remain confident that CelloVet cellophane is an acceptable and safe product for use in our small animal patients, but we are happy to let science do the talking. If you have suggestions for projects including CelloVet, please contact us.

Why buy CelloVet when you can buy from cheaper alternative sources?
Here are just a few of many reasons why CelloVet is worth it.
- We took our stock and had it analysed by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, which confirmed that it is consistent with real cellophane, as used in the study by Smith and Hunt. This information is available by request, but can also be found in our blog and news section if you want to read about it further. This should give the clinician the peace of mind that CelloVet is real cellophane and not plastic. Be certain it is cellophane; use CelloVet.
- Real cellophane is invariably not food safe without some form of polymer or plastic coating. This means that any candy wrappers or similar items you may find that purport to be cellophane are almost certainly going to be plastic.
- Real cellophane is highly permeable to moisture without a plastic coating which sandwiches the cellophane substrate using adhesives. This means that cigarette or cigar wrappers, florist shops and greeting card manufacturers are not going to want their products ruined by environmental humidity or moisture. Ergo, real, uncoated cellophane is exceptionally unlikely to be found wrapping everyday products and what you are likely to be using is plastic, or at best, a plastic coated cellophane substrate marred with potentially toxic adhesives.
- Real cellophane has excellent 'deadfold' characteristics. This means that it is very easily folded, particularly when the fold is aligned parallel to the fibers of the material. Furthermore, real cellophane tends not to 'kink' when wrapped around a cylindrical vessel. CelloVet strips are designed with their length parallel to the fibers of the cellophane for this reason.
- CelloVet is provided cut into strips but is also available as a sheet for clinicians who want more control. As a specialist surgeon himself, our founder appreciated that most surgeons want to reduce the complexity of surgery and reduce the chance of cellophane debris getting lost in the sterile field or the patient. This meant having a one-size fits all approach which limits cutting the product until after the shunt has been attenuated, thus reducing handling, contamination and wastage.
- CelloVet is cheaper than ameroids by 30-60%.
- CelloVet is autoclavable.
- There is only a single size of CelloVet which should be large enough to attenuate any shunt. This reduces inventory costs.
- CelloVet is run, owned and operated by an ACVS boarded surgeon committed to supporting impartial and rigorous research on portosystemic shunts and the effects of cellophane banding. We doubt your tobacconist or florist does the same.
- CelloVet sells and ships worldwide.
Where to from here?
Our goal for CelloVet is to establish ourselves as the source of cellophane for veterinary use around the world. We want to support research in the field and we will continue to develop our products based on your feedback and suggestions. Our raison d'être (reason for being) is to provide veterinary surgeons and our patients with a reputable and consistent source of real cellophane. We appreciate the support from the veterinary community around the world and look forward to working with you all closely as we continue to grow.
Thank you.